Sunday, February 27, 2005


I believe music is in your blood, or it's something you just listen to. If you don't understand what I mean by that, you're probably someone who just listens to music and appreciates it, but not really in to it that much. Galder said it best in one of his posts when he said that dance music is a part of his life as much as sleeping is. Same with me, only difference is, my love is hip hop. Before you jump to the conclusion that I'm a bad-boy bumping my beats in my ride, you got it wrong. I like ANY kind of music, and anyone that knows me knows how true this is. From Maroon 5 to Fabulous, and from Madonna to 50 Cent. I could write a really lengthy post about music but I'm going to stick to my true love, hip hop, and in particular, two artists.Tupac Shakur and Immortal Technique. This isn't going to be a background in to the artists, you can read about them in the links I've provided (and I strongly suggest you do)... these are just my thoughts. I hadn't heard of Technique before last week, and for me, Tupac is the greatest lyricist that was. There is a huge argument about who is better, Biggie or Tupac, but they were two different rappers. Rapping about different things, and for me, I could relate to Pac. People throw Eminem into the equation sometimes, and yes, he's a good MC, but he's just not as good as Pac.

Immortal Technique however, for me, is the only person I could even mention in the same breath as Pac. He isn't signed to a record label, he sells his own CD's, and his understanding of politics and the world around him is on another level to the likes of 50, Fabulous, and other commercial hip hop artists. He talks, he makes you see things differently, the way Pac did when he was first talking about police brutality, and the U.S. Justice system. Technique talks about terrorism, conspiracy theories against the U.S. government and the like. Sure some of songs, like Pacs are about gang-banging and drugs, but lets be honest, it is a part of their lives if not ours. Technique brings a sense of shock to what he's saying, a bit like Eminem, but as Em says it in a joking way, you can't help but think Tech actually means it. In the song
"Dance With The Devil" he tells a story of a ghetto kid and his dreams of being a gangsta. A touching story, and one that reminds of you how how Pac used to tell his stories in songs like "Tear Drops and Closed Caskets", "Soulja's Story", or "Brenda's Got a Baby". They were both very politically minded, understanding the lack of support the projects and run-down areas in America get from the U.S Goverment. Pac wrote "Letter To The President" and Tech raps with Mos Def on the best anti-Bush track I have heard to date called "Bin Laden". I could go on forever comparing the two artists, because for me Tech is on the same level as Pac. And he's the only one.

It's a very touchy subject, talking about the best, people always have different views, and alot of hip hop fans will disagree with me and say some of todays modern artist will never touch the likes of Gangstarr, Rakim or Big L. I have to agree with them, but then again, the likes of The Game, Eminem, 50, and Dre, are all up there lyrically. And with some of the songs coming out now from Shady/Aftermath, they are what Death Row was. But staying on track, artist for artist, and the two in my mind, Pac and Tech. If you had to choose one out of them, you would have to say Pac is better. But only because of the sheer number of tracks he's got under his belt. Every single one of them a good song in my mind. If Tech ever releases his 3rd album and it comes close to the 2 previously "Revolutionary Vol 1" & "Vol 2", we'll see exactly how good he is and if he can get better. Personally, I think we've only heard a snippet of what he's capable of putting out.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Back on track

It's been a weird couple of weeks. I have my laptop back which was fixed under warranty! Luckily, although had it down as expired, the friendly guys at Fujitsu-Siemens had it just inside warranty! I have to say, was very pleased with their service aswell. Only thing now is, I've lost everything... all the new photos I wanted to upload and just stuff that you know you will never use when you have it, but when it's gone you wish you had it back. Oh well, it's all replaceable somehow, so never mind. My laptop doesn't feel the same however, it feels as if it has been violated in some way. It did get me thinking, people who have their own computers or laptops, it has to be one of the most personal things to people nowadays right? More so than a mobile phone or even a wallet. People don't keep diaries on paper anymore, they use laptops to remind them of appointments and things. People don't have film camera's now, they have digital, so all them family photo's and videos are on the computer. So it's not a big surprise that when you lose everything, it's just not the same after it's been fixed. You know what, the things I lost, they're not replaceable, I was silly for saying that, it's just that I'll get over it.

So what's been happening I hear you ask? Well, to be honest, not much. I always say that don't I? Anyway, most people are back from Ashura now so things are basically getting back to normal. Oooh, I do have a surprise for you... I am going away next week, but to where I'm not going to say. But hopefully, whilst I am there I'll take some pictures and put them up. I can't wait. A part of me is thinking I must be mad to be leaving when I have so much work on, but another part of me really needs this break, and more importantly, I'm on top of it, so a couple days away is not going to hurt. If anything it will probably do me some good.

I've also seen a couple of movies recently, so updated the movies review on the right of the page... so check it out, and some new songs on my MP3 player... the Prodigy one I heard on a little night trip to Sheffield last Friday with my sister. Nothing beats the flow of a tune when the beats and the rhymes go so well together as they do in this song. It is a bit hardcore, but it just gets you pumped! On the subject of songs, I have also heard a few of the new songs of 50 Cents new album titled "The Massacre". First impression is that its a very good album, with a good mix of songs, but for me at the moment, the man on top of his game is The Game. I would upload a sample on the net, but it would take too long! I know most people know where to find them anyway... your local HMV of course ;)

Well, just to let you know that my laptop is back, violoted but on the way to recovery! I'm sure one of these days I will write a post that actually has some struture to it!

Off to Uni...

Monday, February 14, 2005

My friend The Smoker...

I know alot of people who smoke, it goes without saying it's part of my life as well as those people who I hang around with. So when a friend of mine who had been smoking for close on 13 years of his fairly youthful 25 years decided to quit, I'd thought I'd write about his experience ;)

I didn't expect him to quit so suddenly, I mean he had obviously said it now and again, but all smokers say they would like to quit... the reason they don't is beyond me. A part of me thinks that it's because they enjoy it, and although they know the harm it's doing to them, they have the mentality that they're just not ready to quit. Which is the case alot of the times. Especially when you are a student. I mean, this is the time in your life when you should be doing all the things you know you shouldn't be! So, as I was saying, he had mentioned it before and I remember going back a few years that he had actually gone a while without smoking but just started back up cos like I said, I think he just didn't want to quit.

So, last Wednesday, he wakes up and thinks "I haven't got any smokes... but I'm not going to buy any". I think the main reason for this sudden decision is cos he's started thinking about money recently. And considering they now cost about £5 for a 20 box, you can't blame him. He wasn't a heavy smoker, prob between 7-10 a day, if he went out then he'd have more. So, he didn't buy any, and hasn't, but I think on Thursday he took a sneaky couple of pulls of a friends cig. Other than that, I thought he'd be a shivering wreck, but he's not doing too badly at all. He's not using any of them Nicorette patches or gums or anything. He said its worst in the evenings after he's had a nice dinner or just about to go bed. But, once he's asleep, it's not like he wakes up in the middle of the night wanting one.

So, I say good for him, I hope he can keep it up. I know there are going to be nights and holidays he's going to go on with a lot of his friends (who still smoke) and he's going to be tempted. But, I suppose you can forgive him for maybe having one or two then. Long as he stays strong and the next day doesn't buckle and starts up again, or use every night in the pub as an excuse to have one because "it's ok to have one when you are out".... but it's going to be weird sitting in the pub and not having him smoking. Suppose he'll have more money to get the rounds in now though :)

I suppose the main reason for me writing this is for all those people who have a go at smokers. It IS a nasty habit, but what you have to understand is that it's an addiction. And although most of them wish they didn't smoke, alot of them like it too much to stop. I'm sure that most people have a habit which they wish they didn't have, but because they enjoy doing it, they carry on. Even if it's something as trivial as... I dunno, biting your fingers! So, unless they want to quit, there is not much point in trying to make them. I guess they'll do it when they feel like they want to. Just like my mate, I mean, I've been there when his girlfriends, friends and even people he doesn't know that well have been at him to stop smoking. And all he's said to them was "I don't want to"... which I kind of understood but other people didn't. And now, well, I definately understand what he was saying.

Good luck bro! Stay Strong.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Not a good start!

I knew things were going to good to be true... Uni was moving along with no hassles, everything was ok... until this morning! Switch on the laptop and.... nothing! No warnings even, just won't boot up! And to top it off, it's just out of warranty. Luckily, and I mean luckily, I had backed up my work the other day on to my flash drive and Uni computers so I haven't lost anything! Still though, I'm not happy... AT ALL! Oh and to top that off, another lecturer has decided to give us another assignment which nobody was expecting to get! More work!

I swear, England best beat Holland tonight in the football otherwise I'm gonna go on a rampage!

So, if I don't update as often in the next few weeks, you know why... I have no laptop!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Photo's update.

Just to let you know that the pictures have been updated. 99% of which are pictures from my sisters recent trip to Barcelona. (see page 2 of pictures) Also, here's a special link to anyone that knows one of my closest mates Eggy. Hope he don't mind :)

Saturday, February 05, 2005

February already!!!

I thought I had better update the website as people might start thinking I've abondoned it or something. The fact is that I've just been too busy, and time is flying by. It's February already! I've started to get back in to routine after finding out about the job, so that's a good thing. Although I don't think I'm doing as much as I was before but hey... I'm lucky in fact, I know a lot of people have got 3 deadlines in the next month. Luckily, I have over a month to get my stuff in!

So, what's been happening? The football match I had last Sunday in Nottingham went awful... to be honest, me and another friend were up half the night playing cards with the lads, so come 8.30am I was just not up for it. But no excuses, we played crap and lost all 3 games. We gotta fix up if we want to win the league. I went to the SU the other night which was awesome. I've been at DMU for 4 years now (3rd year in placement) but I rarely go out on student nights because of my friends from my ends. I'm always with them, and them not being students we usually go out up town and not to the SU. Anyway, I went out with some friends from Uni and it was a good night out, I was actually already in bed when I got the phonecall, and seeing as I wasn't sleepy I thought "sod it" and went. Glad I did.

Also went to a nice place to eat for lunch yesterday, its called Perdu on Charles St. (The Humberstone Gate end... It's a nice bar with excellent service, and the food was spot on. Not too pricey either. I thought I might start rating some places where I go to eat and things, but at the moment, I can't really afford to eat out that often... but when I do, there will be something said about it here. So bars/restuarants in Leicester, you have been warned! :) Talking of things I want to do, I've been meaning to put some more pictures up aswell, but haven't had the chance yet, so that will be coming soon as well hopefully!

I'm trying to think of what else has happened in the last week or so. I met up with 2 old friends from Nottingham today. It's been ages since we last met up and although we keep in touch over the phone and stuff, just not the same as seeing them. Had a good laugh, but they couldnt stay long as one of them has a baby girl (does it seem like all my friends have got kids or are having them???) and she'd left her with her sister! But I appreciate them coming down and everything, just wish they could have stayed.

I don't think I've missed anything out, apart from the usual "you had to be there kodak moments" that are not worth writing about now cos they are just not the same repeated. Had a confrontation with some lads at the cinema last night though, there were just kids, but cocky. They got off lightly. I've not got anything planned for tommorow so hopefully get started on another coursework and some project work. But that will of course all depend on what I end up doing tonight... I guess you'll have to wait and see, just like me! :)

And thats that!