Another thing for Muslims to moan about!!
Everyone knows about the Danish papers printing cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, if you haven't then you can read up on it here. Now call me what you like, but these people are just making stuff worse for themselves. I mean, it's not like Muslims are the most liked religion in the world, even though it's not a popularity contest... but still, how petty can you be? You know what your beliefs are, why would you let someone else get the better of you and prove exactly what the cartoons are showing? Just doesn't make any sense.... the fundamentalists die and kill innocent people in the name of Allah, and then wish death upon all of the western world, and THEN when a newspaper draws a cartoon about it (they are not innocent either), the majority of the muslim world is in uproar because they feel like they are being disrespected! What the...??? Okay, okay, here's an idea...
Stop killing people, and trying to control what other people in non-islam countries watch and do and say and practice Islam the best way you can in your own homes and respect the fact that you DO NOT live in a country where your views may not be the most important thing since sliced bread.
Okay, this was meant to be short post, because I found this hilarious...
This is a blow-up doll called "Mustafa Shag"! Good in it? Anyways, the latest thing Muslims find offensive are these...The Sun article here. So you tell me... where does it stop? Islam Vs The World? WWIII? I dread to even think what these people are about to start.... it's getting beyond a joke.
Stop killing people, and trying to control what other people in non-islam countries watch and do and say and practice Islam the best way you can in your own homes and respect the fact that you DO NOT live in a country where your views may not be the most important thing since sliced bread.
Okay, this was meant to be short post, because I found this hilarious...

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