Friday, January 27, 2006


Okay so I want to write another "meaningful post"... and although I have a number of things I could write about, I don't want to spend another one bitching and moaning about certain people in this world who just don't have a clue, or politicians, or a lost whale in the River Thames!!! How that got as much attention as it did I really don't know!!!. But I'm going to choose to talk about any of that crap... I'm going to talk about Money. The stuff that makes everything in this world tick. Now, get ready for some serious linkage to other sites because there are so many interesting sites to do with rich people its unreal. Most of them lists... like The Sunday Times Rich List for Britain. I don't know what I would do with the amount of cash some of these people have got (I say that but you know what, I think I'd find something to do with it!!!). But it is silly amounts. I mean, I just read that Bill Gates, Nigeria and the UK have launched a plan to stop TB. Now re-read that sentence... Bill Gates, Nigeria, and the UK.... 2 countries, and one man!!! Okay so Bill forks out a cool $600m and the UK? well, we manage $75m!!! Seriously... alot of people say bad things about Microsoft and Mr.Gates, but if you look at how much he does for charity and how much he actually gives, you gotta admit, he ain't exactly stingy with his cash! Check out their Foundation.

Okay, so this isn't just about Mr.Gates, or anyone else. I chose him for 2 reasons, he is one of the richest men in the world, and secondly, I think what he's done has literally changed the world (obviously alot of other factors have a big part but.... you know what I am getting at!!)... not alot of people can say they've done that. Anyways, back on track, money for me personally is important. I'm sorry if that sounds "materialistic" but anyone who says money REALLY doesn't matter, is a liar. I have to admit, there are people out there, in the wilderness, where money really doesn't matter... but do they affect the modern world? Regardless... we work to earn money, to provide a home, to raise a family, to basically have a good life. For me it's a by-product of doing well. That's what its like in business, and in the IT industry. Nobody does well but ends up on the streets. People do well and as a result they earn more money. However, saying that, people sometimes start with alot of money, but that doesn't always mean that because they have a lot of money, they will automatically do well. Lottery winners are a good example.

So, my point? Well, I don't actually have one. It's a E100m turnover on the European Lottery today... will I be playing? hahaha.... maybe. If I win? One things for sure... I'll be buying myself a Porsche. A black one... with every conceivable extra, oh and a first class ticket round the world (I'd pay to have the car transported with me!!!)... like I said, Lottery winners don't usually do well in life... they just spend it all! But can you blame them? :)

Okay, I'm feeling tired as hell as I've had a hectic week. Played badminton 3 times this week and in between that I had football practice... AND then I went out last night. My legs are gonna cave on me. Everything else is sweet... house is moving along very nicely! Oh quick story... the house I'm buying is actually some guy I used to work with!!! I didn't know until I went round the other day to have another look at it and ask him some questions. I don't know him that well (he worked in another department but I knew who he was by name) but how weird is that?!! Anyways, end of Feb is looking promising :D

Right, the weekend is upon me again.... I wonder what will happen this time? Last Friday at HA!HA!... never done so many trips from Slough to Ealing in my LIFE! Was jokes though!


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