Sunday, November 06, 2005

5 days in Leicester

I have needed this break like a mofo! It's been good. I got back to Leicester on Wednesday afternoon. Since then, haven't done a whole lot to be honest. I did go shopping on Thursday and managed to pick up some trainers which I've been meaning to buy for ages and a decent coat which I picked up in Debenhams. Got a fluffy hood and everything ;) Proper Gangsta no?

Okay, so I got some shopping done. I also managed to sort out most of the little bits and bobs that have been niggling me. Well, when I say sorted, I mean that I know what I'm going to do about some of them. Others I've just forgot about now. For example... at the moment. I am single. That's fairly obvious and a very well known fact. And yes, I am getting some kind of pressure to stop being a bit of a free-spirit and settle my ass down. But this is the thing, I can't just meet someone, and boom... it don't work like that unfortunately. If we all lived in mother-India and it was 1930 then maybe. But unfortunately, we all have things that we look for in another person. Anyway, that is all I am going to write about that subject for now, lets just that I am not impressed by my mothers taste, at all . *Shakes his head*

I spent most of Friday cleaning my car... then it rained! But I'm glad I cleaned it because it bloody needed it. The inside was filthy. Saturday was spent with a family gathering at my house. We were supposed to go and watch the firework display at Abbey Park, but by the time we'd ate and left the house we got there and it had finished. We did see some of it on the way there, but we should have gone much earlier. So we just came back and then we went out after dropping the kids off.

I'm going back to Fleet tonight. Back at work from tommorow. I think I'll book a couple days off in December for another little weekend break. I think every now and again you need a break. Longer than a weekend but short enough so it's not actually classed as a holiday. Thats why I love Bank Holidays! :) Okay, so you also might have noticed the funky Flickr stuff near the top of the page. Well, this is basically going to used as my new gallery. Maintaining a HTML version is just a pain in the ass and with Flickr it's just that much easier and quicker.

Anyways, enough jabbering on about crap... laters.


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