Saturday, September 03, 2005

Talk about a flip side.... bad news I'm afraid!

Okay, so here's the crap ending to what seemed like the start of a good week after the Bank Holiday weekend... read on.

Well, I don't really know where to start. Everything, as you all very well know, was going so well. And life in general was moving along very swiftly.... well, until Thursday afternoon at about 3pm. We had a company meeting, where the CEO told us how we the company was doing and what the plans for the future were. This is where the room fell in to a state of shock.... after a rollercoaster of a speech, of where he said something bad followed by something good... the dreaded word... redundancy!!! Now, some people were expecting it, and for some it just came as a huge shock, but for everyone in that room, especially in my department, I think the biggest shock was when the numbers were put up on the screen. I'll cut to the chase, and explain how I'm feeling right now.... I have a one in three chance of keeping my job, if everyone was equally likely to lose their jobs. However, it's not that simple, I have only been working there one month, I know very little compared to others and although I am a programmer, there are better programmers than me. So, saying that, my chances drop from 1 in 3 to... slim/none.

I completely understand what businesses have to do to survive and to expand. Not for one second did I think "how the hell can they do this?". I'm confused as to why they hired people so close to them announcing this, but maybe they (management) know something we don't. It might sound funny but until you've been exposed to business at this scale, it never makes sense as to why redundancy's are just one of them things. It's just a bitch when it happens to you. Most of my department is fairly young and have never had to experience this, the sadder thing is, being young, they have little savings and lots of debts. Mortgages, wedding debts, car payments etc. I am fairly fortunate in that sense, I have no responsibilities to a certain extent, and I certainly don't have any kids or a wife to worry about. Remember when I was looking to buy a house? Well, good job I didn't!

So in a nutshell, I'm upset, I can't help but feel upset, if it's not me who loses my job then it will be someone that I know, someone who I am friends with. If I need to look for another job, then that's what I have to do, I just really like working where I am working... but I think from when I started writing this blog you could have worked that out. Some people are looking at this from a point of view where they see it as an opportunity to try something new, see what's out there. I mean, everything happens for a reason , right? If I hadn't have dropped out of Reading Uni to take a year out, I would never have gone to DMU where I did a placement year and ended up where I am now. So, who knows, if I go, maybe I will get a better job (I don't know how it could be better but...) or maybe, I'll get the opportunity to do something like work abroad. Something I've always really just dreamed off doing and never really thought about it seriously, but maybe this is a good chance to look in to something like that. Oh yeah, and guess when we find out... Monday 10th October... 3 days after my 26th birthday! Looks like I won't be celebrating until after that weekend then!

Well, I guess one thing is good... it makes for interesting reading...

What's going to happen next???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geeza like you said things happen for a reason and somtimes you have to take the bad in order to get the good.

Me at uni from failing and not having a job to passing and havin a job that pay's bucks.

2:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope is goes well on the 10th Oct.

Don't worry if it does not go your way, there are lots of jobs out there. You could always commute into London from where you are.

4:39 pm  
Blogger Mustafa said...

Thanks for the comments. Chris, I dont know who you are mate, but you're right. Job opportunity's are vast and this can only lead to bigger and better things, no matter what happens.

There have been a lot of meetings regarding what is going on at work, and one thing I found out is that EVERYBODY is the same boat. No matter what their situation.

We'll see what happens.
Again... Thanks.


6:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you don't know who I am! Here is a hint; I know exactly what it is like to work at Retail Logic, as it was not that long ago I was sitting a few seats away from you.

10:55 am  
Blogger Bianca said...

Hi Mus,

I was hoping to just read good stories from your seemed so happy about getting the job and you really deserved it...I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

And if it doesn't turn out, you can move to Amsterdam (cuz you loved the place right)

I am in Melbourne and I can also tell you that this place is AWESOME, so actually...there are enough places to go...

Take care, and goodluck!

from Jarrom street ;)

4:05 am  
Blogger Mustafa said...

Hi Bianca, thank you so much for your optimistic spirit. Alot of people have said what you said and it helps. Its not the end of the world, and TBH, it's just an opportunity to maybe move on to bigger and better things.

Chris, I'm well confused... if this is Chris H then, it's well good to hear from you and drop me an e-mail sometime. Would love to hear what you're up to... and if you have any Grad Java positions available where you work ;)


10:52 am  

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