Sunday, September 25, 2005

2 weeks to go to my judgement day!

Well, I've had time to let things sink in, and in the meantime just been getting on with usual day to day things. Work has been.... different, since the redundancy's have been announced but I think that was expected. What have I been doing? Well to say that I haven't been looking for another job would be lieing. I think 90% of the department have been looking with 2 people already handing in their resignation I guarantee you that number will rise in the next week or so. So, my mind is at rest with everything, not because I am not worried about being made redundant, I think that my options are not limited in the least if I am made redundant and it's far from the end. Very far... which kind of defeats the dramatic effect of me calling this post " judgement day" when... well, frankly, it's just another day. Just so happens I might not have a job at the end of it!

Those of you not in to gadgets may want to skip the next paragraph

On to happier things, I managed to get an upgrade from them nice people at Orange on my contract. I am now a proud owner of the Orange SPV M2000. The main reason I got a pocket PC/PDA is because of the added bonus of... well everything. This thing is like carrying my laptop around. Only cooler. To check out the full spec click here. For the lazy people, my favourite features are (in no particular order): full pull-down qwerty keyboard, windows mobile, and Wi-Fi enabled. The best part about it however is the applications available for it. It comes with all the usual windows apps such as word, excel, pdf viewer, outlook and even MSN messenger. But you can download freeware software such as DivX viewers, system applications that add to the use of the phone. I got hold of TomTom Navigator(Sat Nav program) and bought a GPS receiver from E-bay and a 1GB SD card. So now I have 1GB of storage for music, files, and whatever, and a sat nav system for next to nothing. Now before some of you say, but why didn't you just get a Nokia, you can get TomTom for smartphones as well, my answer is.... because I didn't want to. I can open a pdf doc, make changes to my CV on pocket word, draw up an excel spreadsheet, then surf the net (Wi-Fi hotspots I love 'em!!!)... and when I've done that, I can find my way home using the sat nav and watch a full divx movie if I get bored, all from one phone (and remember it is a phone, so I can also, make and receive calls on it!!!). I've just uploaded episodes of The Simpsons and Lost on to it and they run fantastic. I love this piece of kit. If I had to say a bad thing about it, they would be, the camera on it sucks compared to some new phones out at the moment, like the K750i, but then again, thats what the k750i is designed for. And also, the software (being Windows) is shakey at times. I still think it's awesome.

Those of you who skipped the above can start reading again from here... you see how good I am to you? You don't even have to think!!! :)

What else have I been up to apart from getting excited over a phone? You have been warned before, I can be a geek at times. Well, the company went paintballing yesterday. It's the second time I've been paintballing, but the first time I've been to where we went yesterday. It's called Campaign Paintballing, and if anyone down south is thinking of organising a paintballing outing, you have to check this place out. For those of you who don't know what paintballing is, it's fun, it can hurt, but it's worth it. You shoot paintballs at your opponent with very high powered guns. Paintballs travel at about 150-200mph, so there's no dodging them. Anyway, we won against another 6 teams I think it was. We started off slow, but then we got in to the swing of working as a team and getting the job done, with immaculate conviction even if I do say so myself. 2 games in a row, we won the flag, completed objective, and wiped out ALL of the enemy team. We played 8 games in total, with the last two hurting the bloody most. But like I said, you haven't been paintballing till you have a few bruises to show for it. There should be some photo's floating around and as soon as I get my hands on them I will definately be posting them.

So, other than the odd Pro-Evo night at a friends, going to London and general larking around, there is not much else to catch up on. I do want to say a huge thank you to all those people who read this site regularly. I get to see who visits (in terms of from where) and all I can say is it's awesome knowing people from every single corner of the globe read this. I dont know if I know you, or if you just happened to stumble across this site, but either way, its awesome knowing that in 9 months I've had 1211 views. That's about 134 views a month! Excellent stuff.. and please, leave a comment if you want, just so I know who you are!

Okay, so, next time I will be writing, you will know whether or not I get to keep my current job. Exciting stuff this isn't it? ;)


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