Thursday, April 28, 2005

Wham, Bham... goodbye Clio!

The end of another era. On the 19th... my car (my sister's car to be honest but only cos I never used it! ;) ) got written off. She was at the lights in morning rush hour and some guy in a rush to get somewhere decided he wouldn't see her!!!! I still don't know how he managed to do this as the road is a straight main road... all you can see is the cars in front. Anyway, as he was driving one of them Isuzu 4x4's... the little Clio stood no chance. Luckily, nobody was injured, but if this had been my mums little Rover Metro, I think it would have been a lot worst!

So, I know I said I wouldn't post before my exams were over, but I thought I would share with you the remains of my ex-car. I have to wait for insurance to come through, if I can afford it, I would love to get a Type-R. The car runs off Honda's extremely reliable VTEC engine. They've never had a direct failure with the VTEC engine... that is, Honda engine's are built to be ragged! And that alone is worth buying this car for! I've driven one, it's crazy, the car just screams above 6000rpm and carries on till just over 8000... nuts. Anyway, enough about Honda!

Seeing as I am writing this I may as well up date what's been going on. I've spent most of the time finishing off my dissertation, which should be printed and handed in by this Friday. I also had an exam yesterday which went well (surprisingly). In all honesty, I've never worked so hard for an exam in my life. I was in the library till 2am the night before going through the one past paper I had. But, it paid off... I hope. So.. I have 3 exams next week, all of which I need to do alot of work for. Then one again on Monday 9th, and then my project presentation on the 11th, and then last exam on the 20th of May! Can't freakin' wait!

Those of you who believe, please pray, those of you who don't, pray anyway. Oh yeah, revising for my exam yesterday (Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms), I came across a quote by someone. Basically referring to how we (human race) will never understand how nature and biology work, and how the brain will never be understood because it is just beyond our comprehension. The quote (which I love) is basically

"If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it." -

Any comments of encouragement/advice for my exams will be greatly appreciated... just hit the "comment" link below.


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