Saturday, January 29, 2005

Busy, busy, busy!

It's been a few days since I found out about the job, so I've had time to reflect on it. Most of the week I still couldn't believe it. I know it's just a job but if you had asked me where I saw myself in 5 years, 5 years ago, I could never have guessed it would have been this good. So, I've started to look for places to live down near Fleet. I also want to buy a car, preferably a Civic Type R. Although not new but second hand! I've said that I want a bit of a silly car before I settle down and get married and have kids and have to think about others before myself! It's not a stupidly silly car (economically its actually not bad a 2.0L sports), but its not exactly a sensible family car either. However, first things are first, the house... that's going to be a huge task. I don't want to say where I am looking or anything at the moment, because I am just researching. I know what areas are good and where I would prefer to live... we'll just see what happens.

So, other than thinking about the above, Uni has been slack. I had a project meeting with my supervisors on Wednesday which didn't go too badly. I was still happy from the day before so didn't really care what they said! But, I have to get some work done this coming week including making a start on some coursework which is due in around Easter. I might aswell get it out the way now when I have the time. Have to stay motivated!

As my friends know, I love football, watching it and playing it. I play 5-a-side football and recently have been asked to play in a special league that our community has set up. So aswell as playing every Friday night as usual, I've also played Wednesday night and am playing in the actual league fixture on Sunday at Nottingham's Powerleague. This, after a late night tonight... it's pizza, football, and cards round a friends. I'm going to exhausted by tommorow night!

Ashura (religious month) has also been announced that it is going to be in Surat, India. I know alot of people are going. To be honest, even if I had the time, I don't think I could handle doing Ashura in India, it's going to be chaos. But to those of you going and would like to share some pictures/thoughts with us, I'll be happy to host them for you. Just e-mail me,

I've added a little statistics tool to the site. Just interesting to see where people are from who reads this. To be honest, I don't know if anyone reads this at all but you never know! I know a couple friends from Uni do now and again. If anyone has a website and would like to monitor traffic you can find it at NetStat. It's free and very good. I have also added anonymous commenting... this means you no longer have to register to leave a comment. So please feel free... or free'er than before to leave a comment.

Right, this has been a pretty long post considering, sorry it doesn't flow but I just write what comes in to my head... so until next time folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though we don't talk as much as we did before, it's nice to feel like I can still find out what you are up to, and how well you are faring. Also, don't you think that you should have asked me before posting a picture of MY ex-car? :)

1:37 pm  

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