Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Just a quickie...

Some cool websites that I thought I should post up before I forget about them. The links are on the sidebar as well, but these are so good that they deserve a post all to themselves.

  • http://www.stumbleupon.com/ - a cool little app that lets you literally stumble upon any websites that are of interest to you.
  • http://www.gizoogle.com/ - Google but for gansta talk. Put in this website in the search and you'll see what I mean, or if you're lazy you can just click here.
  • http://www.gtraffic.info/ - the best live traffic info for the UK. Uses BBC and google maps. AND... you have to check out the live web cam feeds from central london.
  • http://latestgoals.net/ - If you like football, and like me, always miss MOTD on Saturday nights, then this website is heaven sent. All the goals, from all major competitions, downloaded straight to your machine.

p.s I move in to my house in 4 days!!! :)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Long overdue chit chat

Well it's been ages since I wrote anything. That is partly because I've been so busy with life in general, and partly because I didn't have anything that interesting to write about. But, I might as well have a little nitter natter about what's been going on and stuff. Work is keeping me busy, and I'm currently finishing off a project that I've been working on, on my own! It's not a huge amount of work, but it gives me responsibility and the chance to prove that I can do it. So far so good.

That's all I'm going to say about work anyway. I've also moved out of my room... and in another rented room in the same house. It's a long story but my house move should be completed at the end of the month. I know I was hoping for end of Feb but that was a bit unrealistic. It could have been close though, but due to some small complications it was delayed slightly, so now looks the first weekend in April :) Yes that's April fools day! It's going to be a hectic couple of weeks as soon as I move in. I have got alot to take care of.

I don't want to give too much away about what's going on with me at the moment, mainly because not alot of people in the "real world" know, so I'm not going to let everyone read it on the net. Lets just say that things are sweet :) At the moment I'm just proper looking forward to moving in to my house. I've made a HUGE list of all the things that I need when moving house. I'm going to upload it soon as I've completed it. It might help some poor sod out that doesn't know where to start... cos trust me I got the basis of the list from another friend and it helped put things in order.

I was in London a couple Saturdays ago and I gotta admit it was good catching up with some really old friends from Manchester/Notts and London. Met some other interesting people and I hope somehow we keep in touch. That reminds me, I have to email someone about a painting!

Okay, so thats the personal crap out the way. Not that it's very interesting, but I suppose that is what this blog is mainly here for. I'm not a journalist, or a movie critic, or anything other than a 26yr old programmer writing a blog about myself. But I do have an opinion on a lot of stuff. At the moment, I can't get over the amount of money, governments spend on wars, and basically other crap. Okay, wars are always going to cost money, but to spend £20m on an opening ceremony!! Now granted, £20m for a government is peanuts, but lets put it in to perspective. The majority of populated Africa is under some serious problems. Drought and food shortages mainly. Now, I don't think the people involved in the Commonwealth games would have minded if they didn't have a billion fireworks going off, or whatever they did that cost £20m. Instead, what they would have spent on the opening ceremony, could have just been sent to a place which needed it. I'm not saying just throw money at Africa, thats another issue in itself. I think the problem is that its in serious debt, and there is some serious corruption and that all needs to be sorted. But, one thing at a time yeah? :)

I'm also not singling Australia out, they don't usually do much wrong. It's just the first example that popped in to my head. The UK alone spend a nice tidy sum on the Iraq war. If you don't want to give the money away, fair enough, but atleast sort out the problems we have here first. And lets get down to the nitty gritty, these funds don't just come from thin air, they have to be accounted for obviously. And where does the government get its money from? (well in Labours case sometimes from very wealthy businessmen. But the majority of it comes from the taxpayer. Me and you. With The Budget having been announced yesterday, once again, the working class, your average joe bloggs doesn't get what he really deserves. A break. Okay, he's not being raped either, but he's not getting massive gains, which he/she should be.

But thats my concern at the moment, far too much money is being wasted, and far too much money is not being correctly filtered in today's goverments. Corruption, greed, and dumb texans unfortunately rule the world today.