Friday, December 30, 2005

Goodbye 2005!

I was going to write a "recap" on what's gone on in the past year, but to be honest, you can just look back at the archives and see for yourselves if you're that interested. In a nutshell, I graduated Uni, I had an awesome summer, I moved out of Leicester, I started work, and I put an offer down on a house. In between all that, I've come away once more with some funny stories to remember when I'm an old man! BUT, it's not all good news unfortunately, it never is, no matter how good a year, it always has it's negative side. Deaths, trials and tribulations, and things to make you grow I suppose. Otherwise what would be the point? Almost losing my job was a huge wake up call for me, okay it all panned out in the end but was no less stressful leading up to the time. But it's not always about me ;) Here's a link to the BBC biggest stories of 2005.

So, 2006? Who the hell knows... I wouldn't say I have set goals. There are a number of things I would like to achieve this year but I suppose they are things that are not completely in my control. I mean, I could try to tempt them to happen, but the bottom line is, it's not in my hands. I would definately like to move into my own place, and get the place sorted for the summer. Thats my main aim I reckon. Then I will feel like I live down here. Right now, I feel like I'm here again on a temporary basis. It's because I spend alot of time at my friends houses, and when they are not here or around, it's like I have no where to go or nothing to do. Having my own house would basically put the icing on the cake.

I'm out in Basingstoke tomorrow for New Years. It's gonna be a good laugh, I know that much. I'm pretty sure we're not doing anything too big, just a trip down to the local where they are throwing a new years party. I prefer this actually, I think I'm getting to old for the clubs :) That's a lie actually, there are certain clubs I prefer, but at the end of day, I would much rather sit down and chill and have a funny conversation.

Well, I guess this would be my last post of 2005!


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Well, its certainly been a while!

And welcome back... I have to apologise for the huge delay in updating. I promise I am not running out of things to write about. That would never happen! So, what have I been up to? Well, to be honest, since the last time I wrote, I can't really rememember anything in particular. I know I haven't done anything too different from the usual shananigans of just meeting up with friends and basically chilling out like a mofo.

Things with my new house are all at a bit of a standstill at the moment. I am waiting on a number of people to get back to me regarding a number of different things, and with christmas and new years just around the corner, I'm not expecting alot to happen before January. Speaking of New Years... 2006 is upon us. I can't believe I have kept this blog for almost a year. In a weird way, I am proud of myself. But it has helped me reflect on this whole year. So what do I think of this year? Well, to be honest, I'll write another post for that one, because I reckon I might have a lot to write! Watch this space.

So I'm going back to Leicester tomorrow and back down to work for Wednesday. Then I'm spending New Years in Basingstoke with a couple of people from work and their friends. Why am I not staying in Leicester? Well... because it's shit. I'll be blunt, yes the people make it, and I know if I stay I'll have a laugh because of my mates. But I just needed to spend New Years somewhere new. So I'm quite looking forward to that, it should be a good laugh.

I was at a xmas "house party" last Sunday. That was a good laugh. I met some interesting people, including some journalists. For some reason I found that I had a million questions for them. I've never met any journalists before and the three that were there, one wrote about sport, the other finance and I forget what the last one wrote about. But I was asking them all sorts from how they write stuff and just random stuff. I'm pretty sure they thought I was a proper crazy son-of-a-bitch. I think they liked the attention to be honest! But it was hilarious, we spent alot of time discussing new and crazy business propositions. Some of them were just mad, some interesting, and none of them were very plausible!

What else... what else? Oh, my laptop has decided to not work properly. I've been meaning to get rid of a couple of niggly programs that are annoying me, and a few other things for a while, so I guess this means another re-installation over xmas. I don't mind though, it's been needing one for a while. What's funny, is that last night I went to back the stuff up I wanted, and... well there wasn't much. Most of the music I listen to I have at work already. Any other important documents are also at work, and the only thing I needed to grab was my expenses spreadsheet! Do I actually even need a laptop.... hahaha, of course I freakin do!!! I have... ermm... a blog to write... and ermm.... episodes of Lost to watch!

Right, I think enough is enough. I really should take note of what I've been doing for the last month, then I could atleast write something a bit more constructive. It's not like I can't remember, it's just that whenever I go out or something with my friends, I dont like to mention specifically what someone did, as they might not like it being posted on the internet (and writing without saying names sucks). Hence, I only write what I did/do! And all this time, you just thought I liked writing about myself... LOL :) I must have been to more restuarants this month than the whole year though. It's been good... kinda expensive but well worth it!

Okay, a heavy update coming next week... a look back at 2005 & a peak in to 2006!!!

In the meantime... Merry Christmas I suppose. Not that it means much to me... just another bank holiday for me :)